Mission - Ouray 2000
September 4 - Yankee Boy Basin
Outside standing on top Imogene Pass at 13,114 feet all out of breath, Yankee Boy Basin was a favorite of the scenic vistas in our weekend. The drive up was fairly uneventful except for the view. The trail did get steep with tight turns and the rocks we drove through were bigger the last several hundred yards. Three FSJs made this run, Krista's Luna, Michael's Backhoe and Lynn's Big Red. The view seemed liked that of huge craters from the moon or something. The sky was so blue too! The wind had a mean chill on it dispite the sunshine. It is difficult to express what we saw there. You'd have to be there yourself to feel was it was like. So, maybe you should give it a try! Bones the Wondermutt got to run free for a while and had a blast running around the rocks looking for pica critters. This day was a lot of fun!
On the first day of our Recon exercises, Michael missed out on splashing in the creek when we went up to Imogene Pass, so on the way back down we stopped to play a bit. Here Backhoe gets a little dust washed off. Wait a minute, there's Backhoe, then there's Backhoe again. Huh? Quantum leap...
This page approved by Bones!